Author: Jill Stewart
Demos graphically split
It used to be the Republicans’ forte, but now the Democrats throughout the state are divided: Sacramento vs. locals.
This article was published on 07.22.04
The muscle-bound wimp
His wife calls him a populist, and critics aren’t happy with his budget approach, but it’s still too early to tell who our governor really is.
This article was published on 07.08.04
Power failure
When the lights go out, ask the dim bulbs in Sacramento why they didn’t try to do something about an inadequate electrical supply.
This article was published on 06.24.04
Here come the urban casinos
Hey, California: Get ready for more faux reservations and urban casinos.
This article was published on 06.10.04
Inside the exploding boxes
The governor is blowing up boxes left and right.
This article was published on 05.27.04
Palace intrigue
The partisan barbarians are at the gate, as lobbyists and special interests jockey for position and power to influence the governor’s budget proposal.
This article was published on 05.13.04
Cage the monster
Be careful what you ask for. The reforms promised in the new workers'-comp package could spawn scary loopholes and costly lawsuits.
This article was published on 04.29.04
Correctional action plan
A couple of feisty Democratic legislators are digging into the powerful prison-guards union. It’s time for Arnold to join the team.
This article was published on 04.15.04
First cut’s the deepest
The Legislature is ignoring the need for real structural budget reform and thus billions of dollars in savings.
This article was published on 04.01.04
Insurance flawed
As one politician moves to regulate companies offering worker’s-comp coverage, the systemic problems—along with disability claims—linger.
This article was published on 03.18.04
July 22, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 17
July 08, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 15
June 24, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 13
June 10, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 11
May 27, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 9
May 13, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 7
April 29, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 5
April 15, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 3
April 01, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 1
March 18, 2004
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 51