Author: Jill Stewart
Heaven help us
The California PC patrol is trying to wipe out Christmas.
This article was published on 12.09.04
The purples won
The very close numbers of reds and blues shows that moderates, not the religious right or Gavin Newsom, swung the election.
This article was published on 11.11.04
Voting for dummies
If you don’t have a clue about all those propositions and measures, don’t vote.
This article was published on 10.28.04
The Shelley show
Secretary of State Kevin Shelley seems to have forgotten the main rule of politics: You can’t pay for your ride on the public dime.
This article was published on 10.14.04
California voters … go figure
California voters throw the media and pollsters for a loop.
This article was published on 09.30.04
The silly season
The harebrained content of bad bills proposed by legislators is progressing from dumb to dumber.
This article was published on 09.16.04
Victim recitation
The education unions are fighting against making those poor little darlings learn the basics.
This article was published on 09.02.04
Fabian’s fibs
California Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez has relied on the power of exaggeration one time too many.
This article was published on 08.19.04
By the people
It’s the voters who have reformed California government, but who knew?
This article was published on 08.05.04
December 09, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 37
November 25, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 35
November 11, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 33
October 28, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 31
October 14, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 29
September 30, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 27
September 16, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 25
September 02, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 23
August 19, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 21
August 05, 2004
SN&R Vol 16 Issue 19