Issue: September 12, 2019

This week's SN&R cover story spotlights Sen. Kamala Harris and how her mixed record on criminal justice is playing out in her presidential campaign as Democrats debate again on Thursday night.

In News, Raheem F. Hosseini finds that wrongful conviction units at the Sacramento and Yolo district attorney's offices are not exonerating any one, and Scott Thomas Anderson reports that a growing grassroots movement is challenging the city of Sacramento's deal with Verizon for 5G service.

In Arts, Rachel Leibrock previews the fall season at the area's museums and Mozes Zarate previews the 14th annual Sac Open Studios, put on by Verge Center for the Arts. In Stage, we have reviews of Between Riverside and Crazy at Capital Stage and Little Shop of Horrors at Sutter Street Theatre.

In Dish, longtime food critic Mike Dunne has an appreciation of Biba Caggiano, the legendary Sacramento restauranteur. In this week's Garden column, Debbie Arrington previews the Woodlake home tour.

In Voices, a health advocate echoes the Surgeon General's warning about cannabis use by teens. Jeff vonKaenel has some questions after attending a Labor Day protest against Kaiser Permanente. And I talk to one of presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's most enthusiastic backers, West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon.

As always, thanks for reading. To read the full stories, click the links below. But don't forget to pick up a print copy of SN&R for exclusive event picks and other content.

— Foon Rhee