Issue: December 27, 2018

This week, SN&R publishes Project Censored’s annual list of the most under-reported stories of 2018. How many of them you did you already know about?

In News, Scott Thomas Anderson untangles a strange murder case in Placer County that only resulted in an arrest thanks to a string of coincidences. We also have an update on Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s latest strategy on homeless shelters.

In Arts, Daniel Barnes and Jim Lane give their picks for the best—and worst—movies of 2018. Mozes Zarate previews bands you can still go see before 2019 starts. Speaking of things to do, for an audio version of the events calendar, click on “Listen to SN&R’s picks” on our website.

In Dish, find out where in Sacramento to get Peruvian home cooking and authentic Salvadoran fare. And in the Cannabis section, we have a look at the highs and lows of California’s first year with legal recreational marijuana.

And in Opinion, my editor’s note is about a holiday treat, and a guest essay is about how local land use intersects with climate change.

As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to click the links below. But don’t forget to pick up a print version of the newspaper for exclusive event picks and other content.

—Foon Rhee