Words on command
National (Guerrilla) Poetry Month

photo courtesy of ZFG
April is National Poetry Month, but those not invited to read somewhere shouldn’t feel left out. That’s because April is also National (Guerrilla) Poetry Month—or so say the folks with the Zero Forbidden Goals art collective.
The group has teamed with Sol Collective to challenge poets to create and share their own spoken word videos.
The instructions are pretty simple, according to ZFG’s Facebook event directions:
“1. Create an awesome guerrilla poetry video.
2. Post it on your social media outlets and use #NationalGuerrillaPoetryMonth and tag ZFG Promotions.
3. Share it like crazy!”
ZFG also enlisted Outside the Lines, a film production company, to tape its members taking to the streets for a series performances featuring Andru Defeye and other local poets, including Ike Torres and AndYes (pictured). These sneak-attack sessions happened around town at spots such as LowBrau and the state Capitol.
This year, the campaign, which originally launched as a regional event in 2014, is not limited to area poets: ZFG has enlisted word warriors across the globe, including several Def Jam poets.The campaign runs through April 30. www.facebook.com/