Dueling accounts
The Last Five Years

Basically, thisis “he said, she said.”
Photo courtesy of Green Valley Theatre Company
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Green Valley Theatre Company presents The Last Five Years, a musical that chronicles the ups and downs of the relationship between Cathy and Jamie, played by Jennifer Morisson and Kevin Caravalho, respectively. The show chronicles parallel accounts of a relationship. Jamie’s story starts at the beginning and works forward, Cathy’s tale starts at the end and works backward, with the aid of video and projection pieces. The show features musical direction by Peter Kagstrom and, in addition to his lead role, Caravalho also directs this falling in and out of love story. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, $18. Green Valley Theatre, 3825 V Street; (916) 736-2664; https://greenvalleytheatre.com.