Category: Theater Reviews
Sugarplum roles
Like holiday theater? There are a few good shows around town this season.
This article was published on 11.28.02
Opening lines
David Mamet’s disco-era (read: dated) play about sexual mores gets a post-millennial revival by a new and promising acting company.
This article was published on 11.14.02
Rocket science
Michael Frayn’s play Copenhagen, about Nazi weapons scientists meeting in the afterlife, is a challenge—and B Street Theatre is up to it.
This article was published on 11.07.02
Briefs or boxers
This touring version of The Full Monty, part of the Broadway Series, is based on the Chippendales-esque 1997 film hit and has additional songs.
This article was published on 10.31.02

December 05, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 36

November 28, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 35

November 21, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 34

November 14, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 33

November 07, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 32

October 31, 2002
SN&R Vol 14 Issue 31