Category: Bites
What’s in a name?
Bites suggests a new acronym for PG&E’s front group, reveals a new attack on gay marriage and considers Dan Lungren’s new attempt to make it so the government can kill people faster.
This article was published on 11.24.05
Something in the water
Bites revels in scary fish, rank-breaking Republicans and the nearby burg that gets an F+ in voter turnout.
This article was published on 11.17.05
This is what democracy looks like
Bites reviews this week’s breasts, bombs and GOP blue-light special.
This article was published on 11.10.05
All in a day’s work
Bites takes on legislative salaries, Blue Diamond violations and the potential cost of protest nudity.
This article was published on 11.03.05
Boondoggle fatigue
Bites has premonitions about yet another election, contemplates the region’s arena-boondoggle fatigue and cuts up with a local sourpuss.
This article was published on 10.20.05
The young and clueless
Bites muses on the proliferation of fake versions of fake weeklies, a Fabian Núñez psyche and gated community woes.
This article was published on 09.29.05
Pandering and gerrymandering
Wherein Bites drops a lemon, takes a swipe at the Bee’s Marcos Bretón and reveals how you can load up on free iTunes before they send you to Iraq.
This article was published on 09.22.05
Draft-dodger rag
Bites threatens to relocate in Canada, discovers Googlefighting and offers an apology.
This article was published on 09.15.05
November 24, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 35
November 17, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 34
November 10, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 33
November 03, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 32
October 20, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 30
October 13, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 29
October 06, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 28
September 29, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 27
September 22, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 26
September 15, 2005
SN&R Vol 17 Issue 25