Author: Jeff Kearns
Recall Death Match Ready 2 Rumble
What happens when two of the most knowledgeable and aggressive politicos in Sacramento square off to debate the issue of the recall? Let’s put it this way: It isn’t pretty.
This article was published on 08.07.03
Dueling egos of the AM dial
Talk radio played a key role in igniting the recall drive. But talk-show hosts stake competing claims about who was there first.
This article was published on 07.31.03
The daily bread of politics
If you want to know how policy is made in this town, you only have to visit the fund-raising parties where big-money interests give checks to lawmakers. If you’re a citizen, or journalist, good luck getting in.
This article was published on 07.24.03
The velvet gavel
As the chairman of a powerful appropriations committee, Sacramento politician Darrell Steinberg has found a way to kill bills with kindness.
This article was published on 06.19.03
Hot Rod’s and Headhunters
Midtown’s burgeoning gay scene is big business, and it has created some problems for two old friends.
This article was published on 06.12.03
A legislator’s guide to summer in Sacramento
Our Capitol correspondent asks lawmakers how they beat the heat.
This article was published on 06.05.03
Crisis? What crisis?
How legislators waste time during the budget stalemate.
This article was published on 05.15.03
Slow motion
A bipartisan group of lawmakers frustrated by inaction on the budget may pitch its own plan.
This article was published on 05.15.03
August 07, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 19
July 31, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 18
July 24, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 17
June 19, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 12
June 12, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 11
June 05, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 10
May 15, 2003
SN&R Vol 15 Issue 7