Issue: August 18, 2016

The cover story this week: When it comes to card rooms, is Sacramento making a bad bet? SN&R's Scott Thomas Anderson looks at the multiple violations that shuttered Casino Royale--until City Hall stacked the deck for gaming interests.

Elsewhere in the issue: Raheem F. Hosseini reports on new developments in the Joseph Mann shooting, this time focusing on the personal issues of John C. Tennis, one of two officers alleged to have pulled the trigger in the deadly July 11 shooting; Sasha Abramsky takes us to the Shetland Islands where he encounters a car-eating, pica-afflicted-pony and also finds peace and clarity away from the chaos of social media. Also: Kris Hooks interviews Akinsanya Kambon, the creator and illustrator of the Black Panther Coloring Book, about how the book came to be and why it is resurfacing now nearly 50 years later.