Eight Gigs: Danú

Tues., March 17, 7 p.m., Mondavi Center, $27-$56


Saint Patrick's Day is often a harbinger of spring. Though this winter in the Sacramento area has felt like spring all along, Danú, a traditional Irish music ensemble with an unparalleled pedigree, brings to town its 20th anniversary tour—and the reels, jigs, waltzes, ballads and marches that go with it. With virtuoso instrumental performances augmented by stunning vocals, Danú's spirited performance promises to perfectly befit the holiday. The Irish Times called the band “a spirit-raising concoction,” and, as luck would have it, people 21 and older with tickets for the show can enjoy a local-beer tasting event an hour before the show in the Corin Courtyard. 9399 Old Davis Road in Davis, www.danumusic.com.