Tag: UC Davis
Outrageous insurance rate hikes
SN&R urges passage of Assembly Bill 52.
This article was published on 06.02.11
Brew your homework
Getting academic with UC Davis brewing science professor Charles Bamforth.
This article was published on 02.24.11
Oil crisis response
The Sacramento region sent loads of specialists to the Gulf of Mexico in its time of crisis.
This article was published on 08.26.10
Om mani padme hum
New UC Davis study finds that practicing meditation can indeed improve perception.
This article was published on 07.01.10
Billion-dollar baby
The University of California invests $53 million in two diploma mills largely owned by a regent. Problem?
This article was published on 06.24.10
Gitmo still going
UC Davis professor waits for change that hasn’t yet come to Guantánamo Bay.
This article was published on 04.22.10
Protest? Yes.
The devolution of California’s higher-education system is finally being recognized.
This article was published on 03.11.10
Education demonstration
The first shot in the battle to save California’s public higher-education system has been fired.
This article was published on 03.11.10
Kid symphony
Jammies competitors vie for money, opportunity—and a chance to show adults their love for classical music.
This article was published on 03.04.10
What the hell are they thinking?
As California’s public university system falls apart, three professors and an erstwhile student question why.
This article was published on 03.04.10

June 02, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 7

February 24, 2011
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 45

August 26, 2010
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 19

July 01, 2010
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 11

June 24, 2010
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 10

April 22, 2010
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 1

March 11, 2010
SN&R Vol 21 Issue 49

March 04, 2010
SN&R Vol 21 Issue 48