Tag: City Council
General plan countdown
Chico’s updated document goes to a final vote Tuesday.
This article was published on 04.07.11
Dirty jobs
Chico City Council OKs plan to increase sewer fees and agrees to discuss setting a policy on how to fill council vacancies.
This article was published on 04.07.11
Mayors say no to Measure A
Mayor Ann Schwab and crew voice strong opposition to a ballot measure to move the date of City Council elections from November to June.
This article was published on 04.07.11
The great duopoly debate
Chico politicians and medical-marijuana proponents weigh two-dispensary limit.
This article was published on 04.07.11
Pot duopoly poses problems
Limiting the number of medical-marijuana dispensaries to two is asking for trouble.
This article was published on 03.24.11
Measure A: pros and cons
One person’s ‘accountability’ is others’ unfairness and cost.
This article was published on 03.24.11
Getting some sunshine
Councilman Mark Sorensen’s push to move up the posting date of agendas is slated for an upcoming meeting.
This article was published on 03.17.11
Running on empty
Café Culture owners Greg Fletcher and Praveen Ram revision the art, dance and music space they opened two years ago after their request for a beer license is rejected—again.
This article was published on 03.17.11
From councilman to cop
Steve Bertagna graduates next month from a Butte College program that’s prepared him for a new career in law enforcement.
This article was published on 03.03.11

June 07, 2012
CN&R Vol 35 Issue 42

April 07, 2011
CN&R Vol 34 Issue 33

March 24, 2011
CN&R Vol 34 Issue 31

March 17, 2011
CN&R Vol 34 Issue 30

March 03, 2011
CN&R Vol 34 Issue 28