Issue: October 08, 2020

Mail ballots are arriving this week for the most important election in our lifetimes, so our print issue focuses on the election, especially local races.
We have stories on the rent control and “strong mayor” measures in Sacramento, a look at how interest groups are lining up and coverage of the City Council runoffs in District 2 and District 8.
We’ll continue to cover the election on our website through Nov. 3; there’s a new story about a delay in 70,000 Sacramento voters receiving their local voter guides. And we’ll analyze the results in our next print issue in November.
This print issue also includes our usual columns, including Ask Joey, Ask 420 and Garden.
Meanwhile, we’re continuing to track the COVID-19 pandemic locally. Some elected officials want Folsom to be able to reopen faster than the rest of Sacramento County. A new state equity measure could stall Sacramento’s push to lift more restrictions by Halloween, but a new countywide collaboration could help.
If you want to respond to any recent stories or commentaries, send a letter to the editor (150 words maximum) to And please support us so we can continue our reporting on the election and the pandemic.
Foon Rhee
We're working on adding the articles from this issue below. Please check back later. For now, you can access a digital copy of this issue here