Issue: February 16, 2017

Thanks for reading this week’s SN&R. Feel free to click the links below, but don’t forget to pick up a newsprint version of the newspaper for exclusive event picks, columns and cartoons.
Sacramento’s $100,000 homeless man
Bad luck put him on the streets. City Hall kept him there.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Need housing? Enter purgatory
Sacramento’s coordinated entry system is a good idea poorly executed.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Vandals in the night: Spike in Sacramento-area hate incidents coincides with Trump travel ban
Incidents targeting Muslims ignite both grief and resolve in surrounding communities.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Guilt by appropriation: Asset forfeiture law may restrict Sacramento police’s ability to seize and spend
Interim police chief seeking permission to pay $417,000 for helicopter.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Paper guns, real politics: Second Amendment advocates march on the Capitol to support Trump and oppose new state laws
Demonstrators target expanded background checks, assault weapon definition.
This article was published on 02.16.17
As Oroville spillway ruptures, Sacramento County officials plan ahead for bipolar weather patterns
Climate action plan predicts extreme, shorter storms and longer dry spells.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Letters for February 16, 2017
Readers express their thoughts on conflicting ideologies in politics vs. real life and the tough problem of solving homelessness.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Self-love and self-harm
A young reader wants to know how to help his girlfriend to stop hurting herself.
This article was published on 02.16.17
The Affordable Care Act, take two
Can we have universal health care access and control costs?
This article was published on 02.16.17
Zayn Silmi, entrepreneur behind The People of Sacramento
Zayn Silmi says Sacramentans have no idea of what is about to happen.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Lest history repeat itself
Against a backdrop of travel bans, local museums highlight the 75th anniversary of Japanese internment.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Review: Beer & Ballet
SN&R reviews a Sacramento Ballet production highlighting emerging choreographers.
This article was published on 02.16.17
We Come From Greatness
We Come From Greatness is an exciting, moving musical, presented by Images Theatre Arts Company at Grant Union High School through February 19.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Celebrate Frederick Douglass ‘being recognized more and more’
In the wake of confounding remarks by President Donald Trump, take an opportunity to celebrate Black History Month.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Great minds collide
A fictitious meeting between Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. is brought to life by Celebration Arts.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Sex With Strangers
SN&R reviews an EMH Productions take on a Laura Eason play.
This article was published on 02.16.17
The man who made your childhood
Animator and The Beatles director Ron Campbell is showing his artwork from dozens of children’s shows in a pop-up exhibit at Beatnik Studios.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Roses are red and stuff
Prove you’re a real Casanova at Double Nickel Smokehouse’s The Love Jones: Best Love Poem Competition.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Bargain hunting at Old Gold
The vintage shop will mark down more than 500 items for its semi-annual $5 sale.
This article was published on 02.16.17
How rape culture works
Why are so many sexual assault testimonies discredited? A new book explains.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Chili-lover’s outing
Hunan Bar & Restaurant in Davis revamps its menu to include traditional Chinese dishes.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Honorary burger
A new burger celebrates the namesake abolitionist of Broderick Roadhouse; Device Brewing Co. adds pizza to its menu; and Capitol Beer Fest gets a new home.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Stiff stout
If you can squeeze into a spot at this perpetually crowded taproom, you’ll earn a shot at soothing yourself with one of the more devastating spiced beers around.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Jidori for ramen glory
Kru’s hot ramen with pork belly delights with a slow-poached egg.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Grapes of graphs
A series of wine tasting classes introduces hobbyists to the science behind the flavors.
This article was published on 02.16.17
A fennel bulb a day
Not just delicious, fennel also packs cancer-combating nutrients.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Will drive far for doughnuts
Make a detour at Modesto’s Vegan Donut Gelato shop for classic vegan doughnuts, cinnamon rolls and gelato-doughnut sandwiches.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Hard-hitting spectacle
The versatile group behind Kill the Precedent puts the “or” in hardcore.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Ross Hammond
Ross Hammond’s latest album is a slow burner for a long drive.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: (Waning)
Clear your schedules now to listen to (Waning)’s new record.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: The Growlers
The Growlers coined the term “beach goth,” which encompasses its unique combination of genres like surf, garage rock, pop and ’60s-inspired psychedelia.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Ganglians
Capitalize on a recession-rate door charge for the reunion of a band from 2009.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Raptor
Bang your head like it’s 1984 all over again!
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Jessica Malone
An evocative local singer-songwriter releases her debut album.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Experience Hendrix
Notable guitarists converge to ask the timeless question: Are you experienced?
This article was published on 02.16.17
Eight Gigs: Uli Jon Roth
The Scorpions guitarist wants to rock you like a hurricane, but different.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Roaring releases
So Stressed finally accepts the spotlight of its noise-rock success and releases an intense record; Horseneck’s debut album mashes up blues, hair metal and other influences.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Life through death
Keanu Reeves brings a stellar performance in this enlivening movie that’s obsessed with death.
This article was published on 02.16.17
The Red Turtle
It’s one strong female character short of a proper Studio Ghibli film.
This article was published on 02.16.17
A Cure for Wellness
It doesn't make a lick of sense, but when it's this beautiful, who cares?
This article was published on 02.16.17
Fist Fight
It gets a few chuckles, but, as always, this comedy crosses the line for cheap jokes.
This article was published on 02.16.17
The Lego Batman Movie
Remember when comic book movies were fun?
This article was published on 02.16.17
For the noobs
Ngaio goes over ground rules for different smoking methods and new possession rules.
This article was published on 02.16.17
Indulge: Dining Guide
INDULGE in the latest fine food and drinks highlighted in our annual dining guide.
This article was published on 02.16.17