Issue: October 27, 2016

The cover story this week: Will a new arena and a new coach be enough to renew the Sacramento King's vision of bringing a championship to our city? Blake Gillespie reports.
Elsewhere in the issue: Local faith leaders support Proposition 57, which aims to eliminate laws that allow teens to be tried as adults, but some worry it will also allow adult prisoners to petition for early release, Scott Thomas Anderson reports; conflict over condom usage takes center-stage under proposition 60, John Flynn has the story. Elsewhere, how is SN&R voting? Turn to our endorsements and find out! Also in the book, Napa's days of being synonymous with day-trips to the wine country are numbered, but where else can you turn to wet your wine-whistle? Juli Boggs has the scoop.
On the rebound: Sacramento Kings season preview
Can Matt Barnes and the new guys change the team’s culture?
This article was published on 10.27.16
The developers’ candidates: The race to be Sacramento County’s District 4 representative
Despite stated differences, both board of supervisors candidates heavily supported by building interests.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Jail state: Juvenile justice overhaul rallies Sacramento faith community behind Prop. 57
California law enforcement opposes yet another reform measure, cites loopholes.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Aspiring porn czar
AIDS foundation leader Michael Weinstein says his measure is simply about protecting performers.
This article was published on 10.27.16
The Sacramento Valley Conservancy’s new hiding spot, unveiled
The preserved open space of woodland and riverbanks was a project three years in the making.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Last woman standing
Why Hillary Clinton’s steely poise facing off against other candidates, the media and Donald Trump matters.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Letters for October 27, 2016
Readers debate suburban sprawl vs. smart growth, Donald Trump and upcoming ballot propositions.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Too many chances
After a meeting that felt like a dream, a reader is unsure why following dates feel so one-sided.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Phil America, performative artist
The returned Sacramentan spent years living abroad before building his own installation at the Golden 1 Center.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Wine trippin’
SN&R treks to Lodi, Winters and Murphys wine tasting rooms—and forgets Napa.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Review: August: Osage County
SN&R reviews a new production from Capital Stage.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Review: Sunset Baby
SN&R reviews a new production from Celebration Arts.
This article was published on 10.27.16
A Monday Halloween means early parties the weekend prior.
This article was published on 10.27.16
The Impromptu at Versailles
SN&R reviews a new production from Art Theater of Davis.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Get buzzed times 2
Sacramento combines its two favorite things—coffee and beer—for an unlimited-tasting event.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Farm-fresh cooking
After the first edition sold out, The Davis Farmers Market Cookbook is back to inspire you to shop from your local farmers market.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Surviving the world
Scholastique Mukasonga’s novel-memoir chronicles one Rwandan woman’s life in the 1990s.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Laughter keeps Midtown janky
The Moving Van Show brings comedy to the streets at a secret location every month.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Art of subtlety
Siam Pa House’s style of Thai cuisine leans delicate and herbaceous.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Better than New York
Insight Coffee Roasters crafts a mean matcha tea latte—take that New York’s hipster MatchaBar!
This article was published on 10.27.16
Vegetarians, rejoice
The new Sacramento Natural Food Co-op’s deli features tons of vegetarian options, including tasty street tacos.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op celebration
The bigger and better grocery store hosts a grand opening party with 10 percent off of everything all weekend.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Evan Kitchen’s healthy vegan menu
Evan’s Kitchen has a substantial vegan menu—and a chef who recommends the health benefits of being vegan.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Ideateam funks it up
The Sacramento nine-piece grows with a sophomore record, new vocalist and respectful disagreements.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Grindoween
An excellent grindcore lineup to is here to make your Halloween legitimately horrifying.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: High Anxiety Variety Show
The High Anxiety Variety Show is a blend of music, comedy and overall debauchery.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Maceo Parker
Soul showman Maceo Parker pairs up with gospel group the Jones Family Singers for a rare show.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Mangchi
It’s more than the first Korean punk supergroup—it’s wildly comical.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Rabbit Wilde
Expect a foot-stomping, forest-appropriate good time with this string band from the Pacific Northwest.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: $uicideboy$
This isn’t gangsta rap braggadocio; $uicideboy$ deliver some of the darkest music in rap today.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Boz Scaggs
Soft-rock favorite Boz Scaggs comes through town after last year’s album A Fool to Care.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Eight Gigs: Con Brio
Con Brio play funk and R&B songs that need to be grooved on live and in person.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Metal snob-approved
Our metal-snob of a writer gives in and actually enjoys Aftershock, and Trash Talk comes home.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Cruisin’ for a snoozin’
The trend of Tom Cruise getting out-acted by his female co-stars just makes us ask where said co-stars’ lead roles are.
This article was published on 10.27.16
A Man Called Ove
The film is predictable but palatable syrup, ably going through motions we’ve seen before.
This article was published on 10.27.16
The Accountant
Stylish and slick in the best sense of both words, it makes us welcome the idea of a franchise.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Boo! A Madea Halloween
The most interesting thing about this one is how Perry finesses playing scenes with himself in three different roles.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Keeping Up With the Joneses
Yet another James Bond spoof, no more imaginative than it needs to be.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Doobie newbie
A reader wants to know what to tell their mom before visiting a dispensary for the first time.
This article was published on 10.27.16
Dia De Los Muertos Guide
How to celebrate this special holiday and the events our readers can attend in the Sacramento region.
This article was published on 10.27.16