Issue: June 26, 2014

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exclusive event picks, columns and cartoons.
The feature story this week: You have how many f@#cking roommates?! Life
isn't cheap. Living by the dozen saves a lot. Added bonus: cuddle
puddles. Janelle Bitker writes about sharing space with 11 housemates.
Elsewhere in the issue: Jeff vonKaenel compares Gov. Jerry Brown's
legacy to his father's, Garret McCord finds a four-star steak at Cafe
Plan B, Joey Garcia offers advice for readers whose partners are lazy in
bed, Janelle Bitker talks with hardworking singer-songwriter Rebecca
Peters and more.
You have how many f@#king roommates?!: On cohousing communities vs. the very American trend of living alone
Cohousing communities not only save money and the environment: They just might remedy 21st-century loneliness.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Sacramento sheriff violates TRUST Act, illegally detains and nearly deports Rosemont resident
Department vows to abide by new law but critics blast its ongoing relationship with ICE.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Legal suit alleges mismanagement of Delta water delivery, negative environmental impacts
California Sportfishing Protection Alliance and others say fish, ecosystem adversely effected.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Sacramento Kings promise arena construction gigs to disadvantaged locals. Will that happen?
Kings announced 70 priority apprenticeships for city residents earlier this year.
This article was published on 06.26.14
House and home
SN&R co-editor may actually consider living with roommates. Eventually.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Letters for June 26, 2014
SN&R readers comment on the expulsion of a gay student from William Jessup University, an FIFA bribery scandal, and the state of Second Saturday.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Still not satisfied
Joey on whether your man is lazy or tired. Plus: How to tell your girlfriends no and what to do on awkward summer vacations.
This article was published on 06.26.14
If it greases the court
Monetized court website gives new meaning to “freedom of information.”
This article was published on 06.26.14
One Brown deserves another
Former Gov. Pat Brown's 1959 budget plan provides an outline for California's future.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Pool patrol
Ian Myles talks about his experience as a lifeguard at Sacramento pools for the past five years.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Lapidary luxuries
Barbara Solors moves Tom’s Rocks & Gifts to her home.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Mexicans gone askew
This week in Ask a Mexican: How to tell if you are Mexican.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Head of the head of the class
Why is the hiring of Sac city schools' new superintendent so messed up?
This article was published on 06.26.14
Danger on a train: Crude oil traveling through Sacramento needs regulation, transparency
Hundreds of cars of explosive Bakken crude will pass through Midtown, downtown, West Sac and Davis neighborhoods every day.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Seven wonders of the live-music world
Demystifying the local scene with a little help from Sacramento musicians, promoters and venue owners.
This article was published on 06.26.14
A blast from the past
SN&R reviews a production of Maple & Vine by Capital Stage.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Shakespeare for kids
A kid-friendly event at Fairytale Town is based on a popular Shakespeare play.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Life, legacy and labels
A new documentary examines the art and activist legacy of the late San Francisco artist Bernice Bing.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Dangerously cool cocktail
The mango soju cocktail at Tako Korean BBQ is a great summer cocktail.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Love, practically
Give stylish and practical wedding gift with this vintage fork set.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Think of the children
A new novel supposes author Shirley Jackson as a murderer.
This article was published on 06.26.14
So many subtitles, such a hard sell
The Sacramento French Film Festival kicked off with a mixed bag of offerings.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Old-school fancy pants
Cafe Plan B's French experience is a throwback to your parents' kind of fine dining.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Off the chain
Three cool Sacramento businesses that used to be chains.
This article was published on 06.26.14
The year of amaranth
Amaranth is within the same family as quinoa, and it's just as versatile and nutritious, but much less expensive.
This article was published on 06.26.14
She works hard for the money
Sacramento singer-songwriter Rebecca Peters juggles three jobs, Britney Spears, and angry chickens.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Sound Advice: Freedom overload and good ol' American capitalism
The upcoming High Sierra Music Festival promises to overwhelm (in a good way), and it's time to say so long to Capital Public Radio's annual record swap.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Young adult
Jenny Slate stars in this atypical rom-com about drunken encounters, abortion and growing up.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Jersey Boys
This Four Seasons biopic has star-making performances but also false notes.
This article was published on 06.26.14
The Signal
An annoying, wannabe Stanley Kubrick flick about hackers.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Think Like a Man Too
Who needs a plot when you've got recycled jokes?
This article was published on 06.26.14
The Immigrant
Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix star in this cliché-ridden period piece.
This article was published on 06.26.14
Weed World Cup
It will be great when cannabis is legal all over the world and we can have a Weed World Cup to go with the futbol World Cup.
This article was published on 06.26.14