Issue: September 13, 2012

Should local nice-guy comedian Mike E. Winfield go nice? He can't help but to wonder if he's doing this whole comic thing right. Maybe he should rough it up a bit, he ponders. You know, throw in some swearing--an oral-sex joke or two. Or maybe he's just too nice a guy. Rachel Leibrock tries to get down to the (still clean) dirty in this week's feature.
In Frontlines, it's time to give some props to the Props. We mean the ballot propositions, which are as numerous and confusing as ever. First up, SN&R staff writer Raheem F. Hosseini asks if Proposition 35 will really get tough on human trafficking, or just cause trouble for the working girls (and guys). Some local sex workers are trying to stop it. And sometimes old ballot measures are like zombies: you think it's dead, but here it comes again. Catherine Zaw writes about Proposition 33, which is pretty much the same thing as the defeated Proposition 17 of a few years back. And in this week's Bites, Cosmo keeps chewing on the idea of a new charter commission and what it might actually be able to do to--and for--the city.
And speaking of zombies, do they like dubstep? Turns out, yes, they do. At least, they do when it's the soundtrack for a new zombie-flick from Mystery Zone Productions, a local indie movie company, and it's called Dance Step of Death. SN&R contributor Lovelle Harris has the scoop in this week's Arts&Culture. Also this week, Jeff Hudson raves about Mahalia: A Gospel Musical; Devo keeps it weird at Sunrise Mall in music; and Ask Joey sez sex is important.
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Naughty or nice?
Sacramento’s Mike E. Winfield’s checklist includes the Late Show With David Letterman, The Office and now his own TV show. He’s made it big by being Mr. Nice Guy … but wonders if he should ride it dirty all the way to the top.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Yielding to traffic
The ballot measure would get tough on human trafficking. Yet the very sex workers the initiative purports to help are speaking out against it.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Driving in circles
Proposition 33 returns—but does it aim to punish bicyclists, public-transit riders?
This article was published on 09.13.12
California sun
California celebrates a milestone: 1 gigawatt of solar output.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Research on the go
Smartphone apps help scientists collect data and learn about patients' environments.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Sexual revealing
Joey advises a reader to approach intimacy as an adventure.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Reunion with Diego
A chance meeting halfway around the world after half a century.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Jim Crow 2012
One set of laws for whites and another for minorities. The war on drugs sends more African-American men to prison.
This article was published on 09.13.12
A touch of brass
High-school junior Jeric Rocamora puts trumpet to lip at the upcoming Monterey Jazz Festival.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Crystal brown persuasion
The Mexican breaks down “Hispanic” vs. “Latino” and a “Crystal Blue Persuasion” mystery.
This article was published on 09.13.12
A lot to rethink
Now is time to push for reform at City Hall.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Fluoride fail
A member of Fluoride Free Sacramento takes issue with claims made by First Five Sacramento about the safety of fluoride.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Gas-station parties?
When the good times go bad in Midtown, Sacramento officials usually shut down the party. This time, they’re building a fence.
This article was published on 09.13.12
City of lost souls
The Mystery Zone Productions film crew reaches beyond Sacramento’s limits, finding art in zombies, detectives and the area’s gritty charm.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Sing out, sister
The gifted Bernardine Mitchell rocks the house of the lord as Mahalia Jackson at The Guild Theater.
This article was published on 09.13.12
A blessing on your head
Runaway Stage Productions gets traditional with Fiddler on the Roof.
This article was published on 09.13.12
All class, no crass
The Historic Old Sacramento Foundation’s Rollin’ on the River event is basically the polar opposite of Rage on the River.
This article was published on 09.13.12
At your fingertips
Shop President Barack Obama’s Runway to Win project’s store for campaign-themed nail polish, doggy collars and tote bags.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Garden of free eating
The Colonial Heights Library helps grow your garden with its free seed check-out program.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Girls, gurus and generational drift
Edie Meidav’s novel explores a new take on California dreamin’.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Chelsea Wolfe soldiers through homecoming set
Minute technical difficulties plague Chelsea Wolfe’s show and psyche—but she soldiers through to a stellar Harlow’s set nonetheless.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Take these broken wings …
Blackbird Kitchen & Bar’s menu and service don’t soar to new heights.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Sacto’s no San Diego
NorCal does good for craft beer—but the River City still lags behind San Diego.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Tour de food festivals
Sacramento’s own world tour of food, all this week.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Party animals
Animal Place farm-animal sanctuary hosts Music in the Meadow, an event with live music, vegan food and goods.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Devo keeps it weird, plays Sunrise Mall
Frontman Mark Mothersbaugh chats with SN&R.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Not like the others before
Sexy, funny and not over-the-top: This bromance for chicks is less creepy and more classy than you'd expect.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Sleepwalk With Me
Narrowly saved from a fate as a ripoff of Annie Hall by the unmistakable aura of autobiography.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Finding Nemo 3D
Hey, it was good to start with, and it turns out that 3D doesn’t hurt this Pixar feature at all.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Dark Horse
Jordan Gelber gets to marry Selma Blair. If only our nagging lack of fulfillment had those kind of results.
This article was published on 09.13.12
The Cold Light of Day
Henry Cavill—and Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver—have a lot to make up for after this stinker.
This article was published on 09.13.12
Do the smoky-pokey
SN&R introduces its new medical-cannabis advice column.
This article was published on 09.13.12