Issue: August 09, 2012

Who hasn't wanted to spank Josh Fernandez at one time or another? You'll get to meet the lucky man who did in this week's feature, as Fernandez investigates Sacramento's BDSM culture. Are we 50 Shades of Grey? Turns out Sacramento isn't all that vanilla, at least.
It seems like service animals are everywhere, and that's a good thing, right? Well, if it's a trained service animal, sure--but our writer says getting a vest for your dog is as easy as placing an order online. So what are the regulations about service animals, and who enforces them? Our writer finds out. And Bites goes back for seconds with Yolo County district attorney Jeff Reisig.
In Arts&Culture, Rachel Leibrock goes back to the mall. It was a teenage dream a couple of decades ago. So how has Sunrise Mall stood up to the test of time and, more importantly, is there egg in an Orange Julius? Also in arts, Steph Rodriguez has the scoop on the Punch & Pie Festival, Becky Grunewald reviews Shady Lady Saloon, and Kel Munger previews the upcoming Evolution of Comedy Tour.
Given that earlier talk about BDSM, we need a safe word. How about Sweetdeal? Hey, even if it's not safe, you'll save! Check it out:
50 shades of Sacramento
In search of answers, our writer gets chained up and slapped around by Sacto’s BDSM community.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Palestinians, Israelis face off over Sacramento’s latest sister-city proposal
No sisterly love as city council prepares to vote August 14.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Hacker Lab comes to Midtown
Gina Lujan’s tech-developer incubator settles in on I Street.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Sacramento County bans the river party
Board of supervisors votes unanimously in effort to thwart summer-rafting gone wild.River ban gets real.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Does Sacramento have cause to ban outdoor marijuana cultivation?
Police reports show very few incidences of illegal grows—but numbers don’t tell whole story.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Dock of the bay
Auntie Ruth visits the giant concrete dock that hit shore in Oregon due to the March 11, 2011 tsunami.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Laundry success!
Local company sells eco-friendly laundry wash, soap and other household products.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Home sweeter home
Selling price of an eco-friendly home in California increases by nearly 10 percent.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Adrenaline crush
Joey advises a reader on how to leave an abusive relationship.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Zen of sports
Loving baseball doesn’t mean ignoring the suffering in the world.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Thinking big
Instead of baseball, let’s celebrate Sacramento’s unique diversity.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Gold-medal standard
Chris von Saltza Olmstead swam her way to four Olympic medals in 1960—and nabbed a Sports Illustrated cover.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Plagiarists, white supremacists and me
Bites schools Yolo County district attorney Jeff Reisig on plagiarism, and the Sacramento City Unified School District will experiment with not naming its schools after white supremacists.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Food trucks can solve some of Midtown and downtown’s issues
SN&R encourages city leaders to view food trucks as a solution—to issues such as late-night parking and food access—and not as a problem.
This article was published on 08.09.12
McKinley playground design
Email Councilman Steve Cohn your vision.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Animal antibiotics and science
A UC Davis veterinary professor addresses concerns about antibiotics fed to beef cattle.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Down and out at Sunrise Mall
Mall culture in Citrus Heights isn’t what it was two decades ago. Mall nostalgia, however …
This article was published on 08.09.12
Evolve laughing
These three comics have one word for stand-up: evolve!
This article was published on 08.09.12
Hobbyist heaven
A guide to the Sacramento area’s quirkiest hobbyist events this week.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Mini mystery
B. Sakata Garo gallery presents the visual art creations of Lynn Klein, Dan Quillan and Dennis Raines.
This article was published on 08.09.12
But is awesome sauce two words?
Vox Sacramento presents the photography of Andy Brooks.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Intergalactic variety show
Viewpoint Photographic Art Center presents the photographic art of Dan Herrera.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Cowboy blues
Bruce Holbert reads from his new book Lonesome Animals, Thursday, August 9, at Time Tested Books.
This article was published on 08.09.12
31 flavors?
Reshape your favorite pie with the Pizzacraft Pizza Cone Set.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Smoke another bowl
Our writer redefines cool at the 10th annual Jerry Day.
This article was published on 08.09.12
High spirits, low oink
Shady Lady Saloon does bar food—and most cocktails—right.
This article was published on 08.09.12
What is the Sacramento Treat?
Get your head out of the gutter: It’s just cheap beer, lemon and …
This article was published on 08.09.12
Bet the farm on it
The Sacramento River Delta Grown Agri-Tourism Association hosts a farm-tour event this weekend.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Samosa surprise
Savory vegetarian samosas and a ping-pong table in Elmhurst? Who knew?
This article was published on 08.09.12
Punch and Pie Fest—fresh and tasty
The inaugural Punch and Pie Fest brings new energy to Sacramento’s punk scene.
This article was published on 08.09.12
Sparks flying
Writer’s block meets Pygmalion, and all sorts of quirky zaniness ensues.
This article was published on 08.09.12
The legalization details
New book and three state ballot measures tackle pot prohibition.
This article was published on 08.09.12