Issue: September 01, 2011

Dear SN&R reader!

In this week's feature, Cosmo Garvin asks whether California's public worker pensions will really bring about financial Armageddon--or could it be that the people screaming to cut government employee's nest eggs just have a bad case of pension envy? Public workers agree that reform is needed, but there's an undercurrent of scapegoating here--and no one's suggesting that corporate CEOs give up their pensions. Read it this week in "Public enemies."

Most Americans probably either never learned or don't remember a lick about the Pentagon Papers in history class. Anyway, the document, leaked by

insider Daniel Ellsberg, revealed that among many things the Johnson administration was lying to the American public about the Vietnam War. Sounds

familiar, right? Anyway, Kel Munger chats with Ellsberg in advance of his Sacramento talk on secrets, lies­and when to tell the truth.

Also this week: Robert Gammon on the tar sands protests in Washington D.C., or what writer/activist Bill McKibben has referred to as the "the biggest stretch of civil disobedience in the environmental movement in a generation."

And in Arts&Culture, the digital vs. print battle continues this week, when DC Comics will release all its new books online in addition to in print

at bookstores. Local comic-book shop operators say this won't hurt business, at least right away, however, because they insist a sort of magic lives inside their stores. Hilton Collins reports. Also this week: Greg Lucas slurps up

some downtown ramen and Josh Fernandez goes thug-like with Teddy Briggs of Appetite.

SN&R Staff