Issue: February 03, 2011

Hello SN&R reader!
It's coming on Valentine's Day, with its candy hearts, over-priced roses and loves found and lost. This year, let SN&R writers (and readers) be your guide on the local dating front with its Game of Love Countdown.
Happy V-day!
SN&R staff
p.s. Send a valentine (under 30-words) to by noon on February 7th and it will be published in print or online in next week's issue.)
Love chase!
Dating can be a hot mess. Let SN&R break down amorous options for this Valentine’s Day.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Game of love breakdown
Whether you’re looking to hook up with a rebounding divorcée or a collegiate intellectual, our singles identification guide has you covered.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Not a love connection
SN&R readers and staff reveal their worst first dates.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Come here often?
We scoured Midtown bars for the best (and worst) pickup lines.
This article was published on 02.03.11
We ask Joey
Joey Garcia dishes about Sacramento’s dating dilemmas—and her own.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Geek to geek
Can’t find a mate? Try getting specific with niche dating.
This article was published on 02.03.11
After John Doolittle, the Placer GOP can’t quite get it together
After John Doolittle, the Placer GOP can’t quite get it together.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Breaking bread, building peace
Sacramento’s Sol Collective hosts forums on anti-Muslim bigotry.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Drug money
Is your doc receiving payments from the pharmaceutical industry?
This article was published on 02.03.11
Souper bowls
The future of sports writing at the Bee and a big bowl party for River City Food Bank.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Money, honey
Auntie Ruth goes to the danger zone … with Kenny Loggins.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Slow the flow
Make your landscape act like a sponge to reduce polluting and be more eco-friendly.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Soy they say
Is that energy bar really organic? Or do many soy-based foods contain harmful toxins?
This article was published on 02.03.11
Letters for February 3, 2011
Love, hate, indifference—readers express their opinions, sometimes about each other.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Be yourself and keep your mouth shut
Advice for readers on an alcoholic ex-fiancé and a ne’er-do-well stepbrother.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Mayor Kevin Johnson wants to get our mojo back
His Sacramento regional action plan lays out economic, environmental and mindset goals.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Flying the chief
Jackie Boor’s new book, Inside the President’s Helicopter, chronicles the military career of White House senior helicopter pilot Lt. Col. Gene Boyer.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Melted Swiss
The Mexican on the details and origin of mariachi music, and European vs. American immigration laws.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Jail justice?
Things get pretty foul at the Sacramento County Main Jail.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Senate Bill 48 isn’t about sexual identity—it’s about morality.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Editorial Cartoon
This week’s cartoon from the mind of John Kloss.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Two men and a baby
On Teen Mom, Tiger mothers, Kate Hudson’s bump and Elton John’s dang cute kid.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Painting innocence
Gottfried Helnwein exhibits bloodied, bandaged, gun-wielding children, Donald Duck and Marilyn Manson at the Crocker Art Museum.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Day at the museum(s)
Sacramento Museum Day features free admission at 25 area museums.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Juggle fever
The Sacramento-area Damento juggling club will hold a juggling festival this weekend.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Oh grand night
A little less surrey, a little more the fringe on top.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Lady in my life
Northstar Holistic Collective’s Ingrid on the mind.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Check out Three Stages at Folsom Lake College
Three Stages at Folsom Lake College has a “soft” opening this weekend with a showcase of community performing-arts groups.
This article was published on 02.03.11
The balance of power is wack
Our writer wears a Power Balance bracelet for seven days—and has a pretty crummy week.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Got munchies?
Self-proclaimed math nerd and former high-school teacher turned cannabis baker gives edibles some cred.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Reasons to be real
Capital Stage produces Reasons to Be Pretty, and it’ll blow your mind.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Simple, Spartan
At Hads Steak & Seafood, some things are great—and some things are merely OK.
This article was published on 02.03.11
The office
Keep a small bowl of fruit by your desk, not candy.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Yes, sirah
How petite sirah came to Sacramento. And why you shouldn’t spill it on the rug.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Sweetmeat for vegans
Sweetbread is out of the question for vegans, but they can chow down Russian sweet bread or sweetmeat prianiks from Good Neighbor European Deli Market.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Happier homicide
Whiskey, shaving accidents, snake eggs—a lot went into Murder by Death’s latest release.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Fri, Feb 4, Joe Maz
Joe Maz spins house, mash-ups and Top 40 at the Park Ultra Lounge.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Fri, Feb 4, The Aggrolites
The Aggrolites are a DIY success story coming to Harlow’s.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Thurs, Feb 10, Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie’s touring cavalcade of horror, shock and awe will play Ace of Spades.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Long lines, drug deals, loud garages, zesty meals
Bay Area garage rock reaches a zenith, new local hip-hop videos saturate and the Sacramento Electronic Music Festival draws in major crowds.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Worst Best Pictures
The 10 worst Best Picture nominees over the past 10 years.
This article was published on 02.03.11
Same time this year
Tom and Gerri—and friends—cook up a loser’s feast, complete with English ham.
This article was published on 02.03.11
The Company Men
The Great Recession takes out the redundant industrialists.
This article was published on 02.03.11
From Prada to Nada
Jane Austen hits the barrio—but the good stuff gets lost in translation.
This article was published on 02.03.11
The Mechanic
This screenplay needs jumper cables. But there are explosions.
This article was published on 02.03.11