Issue: November 15, 2007

A Bachalypse now
Sebastian Bach is loud, egotistical and never shuts up. He’s the quintessential American.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The fire this time
Once-in-a-century fires are becoming routine.
This article was published on 11.15.07
You’re going to miss bees
If the bees go, so do our fruits and vegetables.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Insult to injury
Man left with coma and brain injuries from police batons now faces jail time.
This article was published on 11.15.07
It’s the thought that counts
Thought crime: not just a futuristic sci-fi novel device anymore.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The People v. Blue Diamond
Getting to the nut of the almond workers’ organizing campaign.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Trash talk
Should you line your trash with paper or plastic bags?
This article was published on 11.15.07
Green building, where are you?
What works for one may not work for all.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Falling forest
If a million trees fall in the forest, does anybody care?
This article was published on 11.15.07
Party for the population
Is the ‘Green-Pink’ movement too heavy for mojitos?
This article was published on 11.15.07
Letters for November 15, 2007
Love, hate, indifference—readers express their opinions, sometimes about each other.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Almost human?
A surgeon’s scalpel is no match for the world’s Last Action Hero.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The end is nigh, so put on a happy face!
Bites bites back, reincarnates and blames it all on Mars.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The dissatisfied majority
It’s time for the dissatisfied majority to stop being silent.
This article was published on 11.15.07
We pay Tonight Show writers when nobody else does
A writer for The Tonight Show goes on strike and spills his guts.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The kids aren’t all Christian-right
New book UnChristian suggests youths are increasingly skeptical of evangelical Christianity.
This article was published on 11.15.07
The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor In America
Haves, have-nots. What about have-littles?
This article was published on 11.15.07
F the lexicon
A candid conversation on language at the Davis People’s Free School.
This article was published on 11.15.07
You think your job sucks
Try building the transcontinental railroad.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Jekyll & Hyde
Unleashing the monster within. And breaking into song.
This article was published on 11.15.07
In fact, we are gonna take it
Mullet rock is back with a vengeance.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Sebastian Bach
Sebastian Bach’s new CD Angel Down is for old-school metalheads. And that’s good.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Shake some action
A fine time at the Town House with Th’ Losin Streaks and pals.
This article was published on 11.15.07
By the book
Evil is real, and random, and without reason, and relentless.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Stanwyck, the sharpshooter
Now With 20 percent more rootin’ and tootin'.
This article was published on 11.15.07
Rey Mysterio: The Biggest Little Man
Not the size of the dog in the fight. The size of the fight in the dog.
This article was published on 11.15.07