Issue: March 30, 2006

Comix relief
Motherhood left little time for Carol Tyler, a onetime Sacramentan, to follow her passion to become an underground comic artist. But the release of her new book, Late Bloomer, proves the wait was worth it.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Comedy central
A handful of renowned underground comic-book artists have local roots.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Dr. J and the ‘women’
A Davis artist is the pre-eminent repairman for the world’s most lifelike, and creepy, love dolls.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Identity crisis
Real ID gives the government—and corporations—yet another tool to keep tabs on law-abiding citizens.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Crumb and Co.
The Sacramento area has fostered many a countercultural comic-book author in recent decades.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Letters for March 30, 2006
Love, hate, or indifference—readers express their opinions—sometimes about each other.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Land of the free, home of the lame
We love to wave the flag and leave the mess for someone else.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Stranger danger
Bites saves Nibbles from an untimely explosion.
This article was published on 03.30.06
High water mark?
Why must our city officials keep approving sprawl?
This article was published on 03.30.06
Stop taxpayer-funded politicking
It appears that Rob Reiner has used tax money for political purposes—and that’s illegal.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Patriot games
Delaine Eastin, former California superintendent for public instruction, says real patriots fund public education.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Paintings with a view
The Pamela Skinner Gallery offers a window into the Bay Area art scene.
This article was published on 03.30.06
DeLillo’s in the house
DeLillo explains why writing a play isn’t as easy as it seems.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Young and broke
The author comes up with another reason why it’s not a great time to be young.
This article was published on 03.30.06
What a drag!
Prom night doesn’t have to be a drag, but SN&R thinks it’d be more fun if it were!
This article was published on 03.30.06
The Kingdom of Loathing
It’s the addictive, lo-fi bastard cousin of World of Warcraft.
This article was published on 03.30.06
The Good Life
Bland confections in love, against a backdrop of national trauma.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Deliberate Departure
A poem by William S. Gainer of Grass Valley.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Oh my God! They killed Chef!
Who knew South Park could break your heart?
This article was published on 03.30.06
Taming of the Shrew
Shakespearean language with Western accents? Better listen closely.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Salt to taste
Culinary-arts professor Teresa Urkofsky testifies about the importance of salt.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Downtown espresso
Temple Fine Coffee and Tea offers delicious espresso with no language barrier.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Portrait of a band in flux
So many influences, so little time.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Won’t knock it off
A weekly selection from the ever-expanding music scene.
This article was published on 03.30.06
Frozen stiff
As boring for this critic to recount as it was to sit through.
This article was published on 03.30.06