Issue: December 13, 2001

A tale of two plays
The staging of two plays by local writers should be cause for celebration.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Valley of darkness
Valley Media’s fall endangers independent music labels.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Raising the dead
Professor tries to revive interest in a dead language.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Bangs never called Goldthorpe’s answers untruthful. We regret the error.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Letters for December 13, 2001
Love, hate, or indifference—readers express their opinions—sometimes about each other.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Chopping down environmentalists
Revisiting Knudson and the environmentalists.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Eat a pretzel, go to jail
Don discusses the “War on Drugs” and the controversy of foods made from hemp seeds.
This article was published on 12.13.01
A Tommy Kinkade for pirates
A quick look at notable exhibitions.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Films without wizards
Think this season’s movies are strictly for kids and adolescents? Here are a few smart choices for people who care about plot and character development.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Fierce creature
Susan Sontag’s latest book of essays will not galvinize the literary world.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Can’t beat the meat
At Ford’s, forget interior decorating. It’s all about the meat.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Off the hook
The Willknots hope that catchy pop-rock plus strong graphic identity will equal success.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Mick Jagger
A weekly mix of mini music reviews to whet your audio appetite.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Idiom Creak
A weekly mix of mini music reviews to whet your audio appetite.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Frosting on the ¡Búcho!
A weekly selection from the ever-expanding music scene.
This article was published on 12.13.01
Gold Rush’s toxic legacy
The miners are gone, but their mercury remains.
This article was published on 12.13.01