Yoga—it’s not just for hippies anymore!

With any luck, you’ll be this relaxed by the end of Yoga Day USA.
In the midst of our country’s frantic quest for stress relief, many people are turning to regular yoga practice. Once the territory of Hindu gurus and health-store clerks, yoga is now officially mainstream. Even Costco peddles yoga videos in bulk bins! If you don’t know your downward dog from your frog pose, Sacramento Yoga Center’s Yoga Day USA celebration on Saturday is a good place to learn. The center will offer free classes throughout the day in a variety of yoga styles, including a class for kids at 10:15 a.m. Even if you’re a master yogi, come out and meet your yoga community. Donations for the center will be accepted gratefully. Visit for a complete schedule of classes. Sacramento Yoga Center classes are held at the Sierra 2 Community Center, at 2791 24th Street. Call 491-6792 for more information.