Women in Rock at the Sacramento Public Library

Joan Jett schools you on rock, women
North Sacramento-Hagginwood Library
2109 Del Paso Blvd.Sacramento, CA 95815
March is Women’s History Month, and the North Sacramento-Hagginwood Library intends to celebrate. Loudly. Librarian Jessica Zaker, co-producer of the library’s unconventional adult programming, Alt+library, will play at least one song by a different female rocker at 3:30 p.m. every day this month. She’s also created a photo collage of women musicians. Patrons who correctly identify every iconic rocker are eligible for a chance to win a $30 iTunes gift card. Stop by the branch to sing, dance and flex your air-guitar muscles in the habitually quiet stacks. It’s educational! North Sacramento-Hagginwood Library, 2109 Del Paso Boulevard; http://altlibrary.com.