Who’s on first
I was more interested in finding the people who currently make this place what it is, so I spent two weeks meeting people who actually make things happen around here. Wish I had the time to do more of that.
Like all recent arrivals, I wasn’t handed a program when I got off the plane. I didn’t need a Who’s Who of the well-known and well-heeled. The Social Registry wouldn’t register me anyhow. What I needed was a list of people who were interesting and made things happen. Something like, well, Sacramento’s 100.
Why in the world would we take on the weighty responsibility of determining the top 100 of anything? There are plenty of lists around, but not enough that point out the positive aspects of where we live by looking at not just the powerful, but the interesting as well.
If we can report with regularity on what we think is wrong, and do it with attitude, certainly we can bring the same insight and subjectivity to what, and who, is right with this place.