Who the heck?

Darth Vader building: Who the heck?
Casa Garden Restaurant
2760 Sutterville Rd.Sacramento, CA 95820
Every city has its “Who the heck?” buildings—those completely random structures that cause residents to wonder “who the heck” allowed that building to be constructed there. But there’s no reason to remain perplexed. The Environmental Council of Sacramento will host an “Understanding Local Land Use Planning” workshop on Saturday, November 7, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at Casa Garden Restaurant, 2760 Sutterville Road. Learn about the process a development proposal must go through to get approved, how to participate in the planning process, and the different processes for the city and county. Registration is $30 for ECOS members and $75 for nonmembers. For more information, visit www.ecosacramento.net.