White people, brunch

Illustration by mark stivers

It is so easy to make fun of brunch—and brunch-goers. Spending weekend mornings waiting on a sidewalk for 45 minutes for a table? Even Julian Casablancas from the Strokes made this comment about New York brunch munchers in GQ last year: “I don’t know how many, like, white people having brunch I can deal with on a Saturday afternoon.” But let’s ignore the issues of gentrification that quote conjures up and focus on the fact that, traditionally, these late-morning-meal menus are epically bereft of vegan options. Amanda Lawrence, formerly of Shine cafe, is teaming up with Megan Seeley to cook up all-vegan plates on the first and third Sundays of the month at Classy Hippie Tea Co. (3823 V Street) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets may be purchased in advance for $11 (plus a $1.60 fee) online through www.eventbrite.com, or fork over $15 at the door to fork plant-based waffles and accoutrements into your hungry mouth, no matter what race you are.