What’s your bitch’s name?

Love ’em or hate ’em, you gotta name ’em. But who wants to give their pet a name that all the other dogs and cats already have? After all, your pet supposedly says a lot about you, and so can its name. So, if you consider yourself unique, creative, innovative, one of a kind, etc. etc., then steer clear of these pet names, the most popular ones in Sacramento. The list was provided by the city of Sacramento’s Animal Care Services Division.
Dog names1. Max
2. Buddy
3. Bear
4. Lucky
5. Rocky
6. Lady
7. Shadow
8. Molly
9. Jake
10. Princess
Cat names
1. Tiger
2. Kitty
3. Smokey
4. Shadow
5. Princess
6. Angel
7. Sam
8. Midnight
9. Sassy
10. Precious