We’re tough and sporty!

James Stewart, the man behind the mask in this photo, broke his collarbone during the last race. If you’re lucky, you might see some carnage at this one, too.
Lest readers get the idea that SN&R only promotes stuffy art-gallery receptions and hippie craft festivals, I’d like to announce the 2003 Chevy Trucks U.S. Motocross Championships. This is dirt-flying, engine-revving, ESPN2-covered action, my friends. The Sacramento stop is only the second on a 12-city race series, so the riders should be full of energy and capable of jumping tremendous distances at a height of more than 30 feet! Motocross fans will line up at the gates to see daring dirt devils, such as veteran rider Ezra Lusk, take on the rugged terrain of our local Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area this Sunday. All you Sirens and Monarchs fans who support women’s right to kick athletic ass should know that the Women’s Motocross League Championships will happen Sunday, as well. The racing lasts from 12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Admission to the park is $25 for adults, $10 for teens, $5 for children ages 8-12 and free for children under 7. The Prairie City site is located at 13300 White Rock Road in Rancho Cordova. Call (800) HANGTOWN for more information.