Wed., Jan. 30, Clint Black
Three Stages at Folsom Lake College, 7:30 p.m., $39-$65

With his 1989 debut album Killin' Time, singer-songwriter Clint Black firmly established himself in the country-music scene with five No. 1 hits on the Billboard Magazine country-singles chart—starting with his first single “A Better Man,” which made him the first country artist since Freddy Fender to score a No. 1 hit with his debut single. Black's liquor-lacquered, heartbreak-filled songs are influenced by traditional country legends such as Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson, and this intimate performance as a trio evokes a country-music era of days past. An appearance by his ubiquitous black cowboy hat is also highly likely. 10 College Parkway in Folsom,