Wed., Dec. 19, the Woolen Men
The Press Club, 9 p.m., $5

This is a guitar trio from Portland, Oregon, which must mean they're either deliciously psychedelic, poppy, garagey, retro and all that—or straight-up unlistenable. Right? Thankfully, the Woolen Men fall into the former camp, but with less psych—sans some jam-out moments on tracks such as “West Coast” from its latest record—and a lot more pop. Except it's a ramshackle crash-cymbal-just-about-to-keel-over vein thereof. Basically, the only good guitar-pop music out there. Locals So Stressed open the gig, another trio that rips it hard—hardcore vocals, uptempo guitar-drums—but are super uneasy about media and don't like being written about in SN&R. (Sorry, dudes.) 2030 P Streeet,