(Veggie) dog days of summer

Illustration by Margaret Larkin
As it turns out, any assumption that the “dog days” of summer are in reference to feeling a little bulldog-ish in the face because of extreme beer and hot dog consumption is misguided. It also does not refer to sweating like a dog, or the time of year when baseball teams collectively look like all they want to do is take a nap. Technically, it goes all the way back to ancient Greece and the constellation of the dog Sirius’ position in the sky during the summer months. But for the sake of simplicity, let’s just acknowledge that civilization has mangled it such that “dog days” equals summer months that are hot AF (and like ballplayers, all you want to do is take a nap). In the last week of August, that’s what we’re up against; every other week leading up to this has been an endless blur of beer festivals, cocktail week felt about two months long, there were too many can’t-miss concerts to count, and a steady diet of cheeseburgers has been par for the course. If you’re looking to lessen that summer bloat both bodily and mentally, check out the following:
On Thursday, August 25, holistic health coach Michelle Mahlman leads the Mindful Eating workshop at Sunlight of the Spirit Books (2314 J Street) from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., wherein attendees will learn to focus back on the task at hand—eating—rather than, y’know, Instagram snooping on your ex while you shovel spaghetti into your face. It’s harder than it sounds. The workshop costs $25; visit www.sunlightofthespiritbooks.com or call (916) 440-1533 to find out more.
Further your return to simplicity with one of the earliest iterations of entertainment known to mankind: birdwatching. On Saturday, August 27, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., walk around American River Ranch (2140 Chase Drive in Rancho Cordova) during the Bird Walk with Cliff Hawley while you keep an eye out for native species and migrant birds that have stopped by for some Sacto sun. The cost is $8; visit http://soilborn.org or call (916) 363-9685 for more info.
Then on Sunday, August 28, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., keep it cool and keep it healthy with the Food as Medicine: No-Bake Nourishment class at Yoga Seed Collective (1400 E Street, Suite B). Attendees will learn how to make a variety of sweet and savory treats that can all be made without an oven. The cost is $20 and you can register at www.theyogaseed.org or by calling (916) 978-1367.