Various artists
Hear You Soon: Part One

This compilation, the first release from local entrepreneur Faith Wolfram’s new label Blue Bell, seems to spring from an aesthetic framework staked out by a couple of pivotal Brian Eno releases from the 1970s (Another Green World and Before and After Science), along with German group Kraftwerk’s records from that period, and moves forward from there. The 17 tracks, which include international, relatively well-known acts (808 State) and local ones (Junobot; Tycho, whose “Dream as Memory” is sublime; Lifeliner+; and Wolfram’s own F+N = Robot), tend toward a haunting consonance rooted in 1980s-1990s minimalism. Some tracks come with vocals, others are purely instrumental, and a few are hybrids. Overall, the listening experience makes for perfect headphone music for sleepwalking through public places.