
California Worldfest
Th 7/13-Su 7/16. Grass Valley Fairgrounds, (530) 891-4098, www.worldfest.net.

Sacramento French Film Festival
F 7/14-Su 7/16. Crest Theatre, (800) 225-2277, www.sacramentofrenchfilmfestival.org.

The Fray and Augustana
Tu 7/18. Empire, (916) 448-3300, www.thefray.net.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Tu 7/25. Sleep Train Pavilion, (925) 67-MUSIC, www.csny.com.

Music Circus presents South Pacific
Tu 7/25-Su 7/30. Wells Fargo Pavilion, (916) 557-1999, www.californiamusicaltheatre.com.

Copa Tecate soccer semifinals
Su 7/30. Raley Field, (916) 376-4676, www.copatecate.com.

Sacramento Film and Music Festival
W 8/2. Crest Theatre, (916) 44-CREST, www.sacfilm.com.

Champions on Ice with Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen and others
F 8/4. Arco Arena, (916) 928-6900, www.championsonice.com.

James Brown
F 8/18. Cache Creek, (888) 77-CACHE, www.cachecreek.com.

The Family Values Tour
Su 8/20. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, (916) 649-TIXS, www.familyvalueslive.com.

Crocker Contemporaries screening: The Filth and the Fury
Sa 8/26. Crocker Art Museum, (916) 264-5423, www.crockerartmuseum.org.

Red Hot Chili Peppers
M 8/28. Arco Arena, (916) 928-6900, www.redhotchilipeppers.com.

Matt Costa
W 8/30. The Library, (916) 383-7800, www.mattcosta.com.

2006 Greek Festival
F 9/1-Su 9/3. Sacramento Convention Center, (916) 264-5181.

The Dixie Chicks
F 9/8. Arco Arena, (916) 928-6900, www.dixiechicks.com.