Ultimate food porn

Illustration by Mark Stivers
What's better than looking at photos of food on blogs? Watching films about food at the annual Sacramento Food Film Festival, of course—all while eating food. Launched in 2012 by Munchie Musings blogger (www.munchiemusings.net) Catherine Enfield, the festival has grown into a 10-day event this year, complete with documentaries, dramas and even an animated film—and some screenings are paired with thematic meals. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs will be combined with a spaghetti dinner prepared by Selland’s Market-Cafe, Bottle Shock will come with a four-course dinner and wine from Lucca Restaurant & Bar, and Beer Wars will be paired with food made by Adam Pechal and brews from Ruhstaller Beer. In other words, it's the ultimate food porn, and it begins on Thursday, March 20, through Sunday, March 30, at various venues throughout Sacramento. Some events are free, while others cost $15-$40 to attend. View trailers, look at menus and more at www.sacfoodfilmfest.com.