
In 2007, a dozen Boston-area filmmakers teamed up to make one short film apiece, each to be linked to and shot during a certain month, with assistance from the other 11. The result is an anthology feature whose chapters range from a documentary on honey bees to a drolly off-the-wall mini-musical about police investigating a serial killer. There are ups and downs—some “months” are more interesting than others, some appealing characters are gone too soon while annoying ones stay around too long, etc.—but the movie is a kaleidoscopic pleasure, heady with experimental exhilaration. The directors, in order of the months they cover, are Scott Masterson, Seanbaker Carter, Andy McCarthy, Garth Donovan, Luke Poling, Noah Lydiard, Megan Summers, Brynmore Williams, Joan Meister, Marc Colucci, Jared Goodman and Vladimir Minuty.