Tues, Oct 27, Times New Viking
Luigi’s Fun Garden, 8 p.m., $10

Times New Viking put out a few releases on Philadelphia’s Siltbreeze Records before signing to Matador a few years back; Present the Paisley Reich, specifically, was a killer nine-track LP of rockers, including a classic opener, “Imagine Dead John Lennon,” that, with its rich clunker intro riffage and fuzzed-out dual vocals, years later is at once wildly addictive and a bit staid (for some ears, not mine). TNV’s current tour is in support of its September Matador release, Born Again Revisited, a deific offering that reaffirms the awesomeness of TNV’s increasingly ever-present lo-fi sound. With openers G.Green, Ganglians and Axemen. 1050 20th Street, www.matadorrecords.com/times_new_viking.