Tues, May 18, Fishtank Ensemble
Firehouse 5, 7:30 p.m., $15 advance, $20 door

Firehouse #5 Studio
2014 Ninth St.Sacramento, CA 95818
Fishtank Ensemble’s sound is extremely difficult to pin down—in the best way possible. The Los Angeles-based quartet pretty much does it all. Think Django Reinhardt gypsy jazz guitar backed by an opera soloist performing at a Greek wedding with flamenco dancers. And that’s only part of their sound. Sacramento native and Fishtank vocalist Ursula Knudson was trained as an opera singer. Her voice swells above her bandmates’ instrumentation and even adds coy attitude to the group’s swing songs. Do a Greek dance, the jitterbug or stand in one place bopping your head. Just get your ass on that dance floor. 2014 Ninth Street, www.myspace.com/fishtankensemble.