Tues., Feb. 26, Galactic
Harlow's Restaurant & Nightclub, 9 p.m., $32.50

HBO's Treme is an excellent window into the various subcultures in New Orleans—particularly the music scene. What's great is how the show features real legends, like Dr. John, and even fictitious ones such as Harley Watt (played by Steve Earle)—all of whom are dripping with New Orleans' unique musicality. New Orleans-based funk band Galactic has, of course, been on the show, too. Who better to represent modern NOLA flavor? The band members may not originally be from there, but are inspired by the city's funky musical legacy—including the Meters and Professor Longhair—while still keeping it fresh. It's even incorporated hip-hop and electronic sounds in recent years. 2708 J Street, www.galacticfunk.com.