Tues, Feb 1, Dawes

Odd Fellows Hall, 8 p.m., $10-$12

Odd Fellows Hall

415 Second St.
Davis, CA 95616

(530) 758-4940


Dawes once said the Beatles were a great band with a really unfortunate name that says nothing about their music. If that’s true, then “Dawes” must mean “sounds like Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young if they were from Southern California and played in 2011.” That may sound like a joke, but it’s actually true: Their debut album, North Hills, not only contains some of the most poetic and insightful lyrics since that time period, but was also recorded in Laurel Canyon, Calif., on analog tape. Be prepared to fall in love. 415 Second Street in Davis, www.dawestheband.blogspot.com.