Thurs., Jan. 24, Gojira
Ace of Spades, 6:30 p.m., $18

Gojira is a metal band from France. In a world of flavorless 5-hour Energy shots, Gojira enthralls the listener with all the full-flavored complexity of a French press brew. Crossing elements of early Celtic Frost and Sepultura with progressive elements of its own, the band has carved out a severely technical yet eco-friendly groove in the new world of heavy. It's exceptional 2012 album, L'Enfant Sauvage, was hailed worldwide as one of the best releases of the genre. Led by the talented brothers Duplantier—Joe on guitars and vocals and Mario on drums—the group has created a sound that may help us to evolve rather than succumb to existential ennui. 1417 R Street,