Writer-director Jill Sprecher (
Clockwatchers) explores the nature of happiness, interconnectedness and how we react to random events (from the dramatic to the mundane) that can reshape our lives in this intriguing talk-fest. Four groups of people (attorneys, academics, housekeepers and insurance claims adjusters) struggle with internal demons, layoffs, obsession, illness, failure, success, redemption, karma, infidelity, resentment, soured relationships and guilt in a smart, elliptic, character-driven story that ends where it begins—with Frank Sinatra asking us from the jukebox to “put on a happy face.” Sprecher plays with and seriously tackles issues linked to fate, professional and personal ruts, deception, despair and hope with an excellent cast that includes Alan Arkin (“Show me a happy man and I’ll show you a disaster ready to happen.”), Matthew McConaughey, Clea DuVall and John Turturro. .