Thirsty? That’s you!

Red Planet: Somebody cut the shrinkwrap so I can go lose a few beers, eh?
From the looks of this photo, the lads in Red Planet oughtta rename the band Red and White Planet, in honor of the Budweisers a couple of them are holding. Dunno if they have any kind of endorsement deal with Anheuser-Busch, because Old Ironsides is more of a Dennis Hopper-style joint, as in Pabst Blue Ribbon, which could be problematic. But there oughtta be more than enough St. Louis and Milwaukee products on hand to keep the fans sloshing while the house is rocking this Friday, August 23. Red Planet, from San Francisco, plays the kind of loud, hard-candy rock that gets an audience either hot and bothered or scribbled to perfection. Also on the bill are the magnificent California Oranges, along with Greater California. Show starts 9 p.m. at 1901 10th St., cover’s $7, over 21 only.