Think pink

Gioia Fonda is pretty in pink.
Pink Week is officially under way. The annual celebration, now in its 12th year, kicked off on November 13 and will continue through this Saturday, meaning you’ve got three days left to think pink. Confused? Let me clarify. Back in 1993, Gioia Fonda, who at the time was a student at California College of Arts and Crafts, declared that she was going to celebrate “the color pink for pink’s sake.” Posters were made, and pink was worn. What started as one woman’s form of personal expression since has evolved into an international celebration. If you’d like to join the celebration, pick up a Pink Week sticker from Olipom (1306 1/2 19th Street), the Tower Theatre (2508 Land Park Drive) or Art Ellis Supply (2508 J Street), which also has a selection of pink items on display. Oh, and keep an eye out for Fonda. She’ll be the pink-clad woman peddling around town on a pink bike. Log on to to discover other ways to celebrate the joyous occasion.