The Ukulele Occasional
Debut Issue/Summer 2002

Jason Verlinde
This top-notch magazine—actually a 128-page, perfect-bound book—was published by former Sacramento resident Jason Verlinde, who’s been living in Seattle for the past few years. Verlinde and Michael Simmons edited it. Interested in the ukulele? The debut issue of the UO is densely packed with ukulele arcana, from collectible Martins to plastic kiddie models, from Ukulele Ike (the subject of a comic strip by former local resident Justin Green) and Tiny Tim to such unlikely uke enthusiasts as Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, Magnetic Fields’ Stephin Merritt and Peter Sellers, the latter piece written by singer-songwriter John Wesley Harding. And Dixon cartoonist-musician Bob Armstrong contributes a series of “Beachless Bob’s Strums for the Ukulele” sidebars. $6.95. Write to P.O. Box 14013, Seattle, WA 98114-14013; go to or e-mail