The sofa king and his couch potatoes
Nate Page builds tiers of furniture for an interactive art experience

“Couchbleachers” by Nate Page, mixed-media installation.
Art with which one can interact is nearly always a breath of fresh air vs. the don't-touch variety—which, of course, has its place, too. That said, Los Angeles-based artist Nate Page wants people to touch his work—with their butts. His architectural sculpture of mismatched old couches, “Couchbleachers,” at Verge Center for the Arts, is meant to be sat on and walked around, among other things. Until March 22, the tiers of sofas and the negative space created beneath—it will be used as a performance space—will be the centerpiece for community events, like the scavenger hunt that takes place during the Second Saturday reception, or the movie screenings shown at lunchtime every Friday through the duration of the exhibition, a Stories on Stage presentation, a Valentine's Day “Kiss-In,” a slumber party, and the Sacramento French Film Festival Cesar Awards and Winter Shorts Program—which all make it perfectly acceptable to be a couch potato.