The Skeleton Twins

Estranged adult siblings who haven't spoken in 10 years (Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader) try to reconnect after his failed suicide attempt—and her near-attempt on the same day. The script by Mark Heyman and director Craig Johnson is low-key and hangdog, with an aura of pervasive moroseness that could become oppressive if it weren't for the touching and textured performances. Saturday Night Live veterans Wiig and Hader bank their comic skills to portray two damaged but resilient individuals trying to figure out exactly where their lives went wrong. Their work is matched by Luke Wilson as Wiig's naïve, nice-guy husband (to whom she has been serially unfaithful) and Ty Burrell as a sexually repressed teacher who seduced former student Hader. Joanna Gleason adds a painful cameo as their self-centered mother.