The Pyramid

A father-daughter team of Egyptologists (Denis O'Hare, Ashley Hinsaw) and two documentary filmmakers (Christa Nicola, James Buckley) venture into a vast pyramid they've partially unearthed in the Sahara 200 miles south of Cairo. Written by Daniel Meersand and Nick Simon and directed by Grégory Levasseur, the movie is a stinker, even by the less-than-lofty standards of don't-go-in-that-dark-room-you-idiot horror movies. The dialogue is clumsy, the “found video” cinematography is sloppy, suspense is lacking (except for the impatience of waiting for it all to end) and even the cheap scares are few and far between. It seems almost cruel to beat up on such a sorry little hunk of ineptitude when even its studio (20th Century Fox) appears not to have very high hopes for it, so let's just leave it at that.